The Luna Bamboo Series is a stunning line of exotic ukuleles made from all bamboo wood married with aesthetically-pleasing features. Luna continues its unique stride in the realm of exotic woods by...
"Maluhia" means peace in Hawaiian. The Peace design on this concert uke is a very special one for us at Luna as it embodies a philosophy we hold dear. The Maluhia Concert Ukulele features a laser cut...
This Tattoo Concert Uke takes its design from traditional Hawaiian body ornamentation. The designs were monochromatic, tattooed in black against brown skin. The patterns and layout were strongly...
The Great Wave off Kanagawa (1830-1833), also known as The Great Wave is a woodblock print by the Japanese artist Hokusai. Copies of the print are in many collections, including the Metropolitan...
To the early Hawaiians the mo'o (lizards) were a symbol of spirituality and good fortune. Shape-shifting and agile, lizards are one of the oldest and most powerful of Polynesian guardian spirits...
Acacia wood is a proven favorite among uke enthusiasts for its warm sounding playability, sturdy construction and close similarities to the popular KOA wood. The Luna Acacia Wood Series is an...
"This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big." These words were written by van Gogh, to his brother Theo,...
Adding on to the Luna Vintage Series, the Art Vintage Distressed ukulele offers distinct visually appealing features and carefully crafted with the best wood selection. Like its guitar siblings, this...